Detailed info on opening times, parking and directions to help your visit run smoothly.
Find out how to become a member, receive tickets and support the show and it’s charitable aims.
Get involved and become a sponsor with options available for individuals, organisations and businesses.
Nidderdale’s Big Day out
Nidderdale Show aims to celebrate the best of agricultural traditions with top class livestock & horse sections and boasts one of the finest exhibitions of animals anywhere in the UK.
‘Pateley Show’, as the Nidderdale Show is affectionately known, is a traditional Dales agricultural Show. Taking place in the beautiful surrounds of Bewerley Park, Pateley Bridge, it has grown to become one of the county’s foremost agricultural shows and regularly attracts crowds of 15,000. Our visitors can browse a wonderful display of the finest livestock, produce and crafts that the Dales have to offer. The Nidderdale Show traditionally marks the end of the agricultural show season.

Cattle, Sheep & Pigs
Pygmy Goats
Horses & Show Jumping
Fur & Feather
Young Farmers Competitions
Sheep Dog Trials
Dry Stone Walling
Childrens’ Classes
Farm Crops
Home Produce

Terrier Racing
Summerbridge & Dacre Band
Forestry Exhibition
Pateley Pantry Marquee
Trade Stands
Craft Marquee
Heritage Marquee
Family Area Marquee
Childrens Entertainment
Vintage Tractors & Machinery
Cricket Match
Trade Stands
The show attracts over 170 different trade stand exhibitors and we welcome new enquiries
Being a Member of the Society supports the annual Show and the Society’s charitable aims and objectives.
We are sure that you will need no introduction to ‘Pateley Show’ which continues to be one of North
It could be up for debate as to whether or not those early pioneers of the Nidderdale…
Advance notice is given for some of the Handicraft & Photography competitions for this year’s Nidderdale Show.…